Who make your bag?

If you look closely at the details of the bag he made, it is beautiful and unique because it is made by nature (from leaves) with the highest quality and attention to detail by him. From the first step to the last, each bag is handmade. Since it is handmade, the process is more time-consuming than machine-made handbags.
We currently have more than 20 bag designs on offer to suit the different lifestyles, preferences and needs of our conscious customers who are nature-loving and love our leaf leather bags. With the cooperation and help of our local sewers, we will develop and produce a variety of products to meet the constant demand. More products are in the pipeline!

- Why we choose local sewers instead of factory.
This way we paid them fairly, they can work in the work environment they prefer (at home!), the money we paid for the bag production goes directly to them, and they get a higher wage from us than from the factories!
Let’s support them together!

1 comment
My spouse is vegan I will definitely buy this product on his bday on Dec. You should open your shop all around the world… Or I can be your representative in United State and Asia 🤣